Time Manipulation - Section 7 - Rhythmic Modulation

Section 7 of Time Manipulation shows a number of polyrhythmic ostinatos examples, as well as metric and polymetric modulations. The next three examples demonstrate implied metric modulations, which are to be played while continuing to feel the pulse of the first line. In the first example, all the values of the first line are transformed into dotted values in the second one.
Time Manipulation Drum Book - Implied Metric Modulation
Copyright © John Smith, All Rights Reserved.
  • The examples are played twice before going on to the next.
  • You can count the beats in the second line, the handclaps heard in the mp3 example are there to help you.

Drum Books by Alain Rieder

Alain Rieder is a professional drummer, educator, and the author of acclaimed drum books.
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